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Replace Plastic Bags and Save the Environment

A guest post by Christina Crowe – Salad Sticks

After leaving the supermarket carrying a few plastic bags packed with groceries and heading over to the car, most people don’t stop to think about where these bags come from or what happens to the bags once they’re thrown away. I most certainly didn’t think about such matters when I would walk into grocery stores, accept my purchases, and leave while clutching several bags as I do so. This, of course, was until I learned that plastic and paper bags aren’t as great as they seem.

The truth is, plastic and paper bags are destroying the environment. What do you usually do when you’re done with shopping? You throw the grocery bags away don’t you? And then where do they go?

Most plastic bags roam the streets, get caught up in sea turtle bellies, strangle innocent birds, or just sit in landfills for hundreds of years while slowly releasing toxic chemicals into the ground until they decompose. Because sea animals mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, the bags usually get eaten, causing internal infections, blockages, starvation, and even death. If that isn’t bad enough, plastic bags also waste massive amounts of oil, looking at how many of them are manufactured each year. What’s even sadder is that some stores pass out these deadly choking devices like they’re nothing at all, bagging purchases with two or more bags when one bag would have sufficed, just because the bags are so insanely cheap.

Paper bags aren’t that much of a difference. It takes way more energy to manufacture a paper bag than a plastic one, since paper bags are heavier. Paper bags are also the reason why billions of trees have to die each year. If the bags aren’t recycled, they then take up more space than they should in landfills.

Buying a few reusable shopping bags will not only help the environment, but it will make your shopping so much easier in the process. I’m beginning to use reusable bags, and I bring them with me when I go shopping. All I have to do, really, is leave the empty bags in the trunk of my car, fill the bags up with the items in my carriage after leaving the store, and drive on home. I find that reusable bags are so much easier to manage, and I don’t have to deal with as much clutter as I normally do with plastic or paper bags. Reusable shopping bags can even be washed. They’re also sturdy and can withstand more weight than a normal shopping bag can.

Overall, I feel great that I’m helping the environment, and, at the same time, I don’t have to worry about piles of food tearing from bags and landing on the porch floor at my feet while I attempt to unlock the house door after a long day of shopping. It’s a wonderful feeling. It truly is.

You can visit Christina Crowe at Salad Sticks or contact her via email ().

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#1 brightGreen on 2009-07-19 21:59 (Reply)
Good to see someone bring this issue up again. Apparently it is just going in one ear and out the next because I continue to see shoppers with plastic bags, and businesses handing them out. It is just such a simple thing to do. Stop using the plastic bags. Come on.
#1.1 Christina Crowe (Homepage) on 2009-07-21 07:54 (Reply)
I agree. I see tons of these bags out on the street, caught up in tree branches, wobbling by in the wind, and so on. It seems, this situation is getting worst over the years.

That's why we shouldn't wait for the government and stores to act. We should start acting ourselves and buy reusable bags. Not only will doing so save us time, but we'll be saving oil and those poor sea creatures who die every year.
#2 DB (Homepage) on 2009-07-22 15:26 (Reply)
I live in a pretty eco-conscious neighborhood, and you'd practically get burned at the stake if you tried walking out of a grocery store with anything other than a reusable shopping bag. However, go eighty blocks north and you probably wouldn't even run into anybody who knew what one was. That just goes to show you that it's all about getting people educated. This column does a good job in doing that, and that is what Green Groove is all about. I personally like the column because it stresses the importance of changing bags simply for the sake of helping wildlife. Remember, shopping bags could be made out of 100% decomposable materials, and if it still strangled our marine and other wildlife, it won't be good for the planet. Being good to the planet goes beyond global warming.
#3 cheap jerseys (Homepage) on 2010-12-27 00:38 (Reply)
Remember, shopping bags could be made out of 100% decomposable materials, and if it still strangled our marine and other wildlife, it won't be good for the planet. Being good to the planet goes beyond global warming.

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