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Goal Tracking Now Even Easier, Thanks to Two Great New Features

Exciting news! Green Groove has recently added two great new features. Thanks to a growing international user-base, and some helpful user feedback, we've been working tirelessly to get the features incorporated. Thankfully, we can now say these additions have been tested and implemented for use in current and future Green Groove plans.

First, take advantage of our new international time zone support. That means you can now keep your plan localized to your own time zone, making goal transition times much less complicated to calculate. How does it work? Basically, all you have to do is set up a plan, and your time zone will be recognized automatically, making all necessary adjustments for you. If you already have a plan, all you need to do is simply log in, and you timezone will be automatically adjusted for you. If for any reason you'd like to make further adjustment, simply go to our new 'time zone' interface in your portal, and adjust as needed. Thanks to Green Groove user Chris Ziady (Pretoria, South Africa) who sent the email that finally got us to get our butts in gear on this. To manage your timezone, simply log in and click on the [Time Zone Icon] in the portal navigation.

= [Time Zone Icon]

Secondly, we have added a user RSS Feed for each plan that is created. That's right, each plan now has its own unique RSS Feed - endless possibilities. To get your feed URL, and manage your feed, simply log in and click on the [RSS Feed Icon] in the portal navigation. Thanks to Green Groove user (Berlin, Germany) for making some excellent suggestions regarding the expansion of our feeds for use with Twitter.

= [RSS Feed Icon]

What should you  do with your RSS Feed? There are lots of things you can do with your Green Groove RSS feed. However, please remember to be kind to Green Groove servers when using your public feed. Goals are only updated once per week, so there really isn't a reason to have your RSS application ping for updates on anything more than a daily basis, assuming you have access to set the frequency preference. Also, note that you may opt to deactivate your public feed if goal privacy is preferred. Below we list a few common usages for your public Green Groove feed.

  1. Twitter ->

    You can use your feed to tweet your latest goal straight to your page for you and all your followers to see. First, you need to go to Twitterfeed and sign in using your OpenID. OpenID is basically just your Google, Yahoo, AOL, Blogger, etc. username and password. Once you are logged in, you can then manage all of the feeds that you would like posted to Twitter. Click 'Create New Feed' to make a new Twitter feed using your Green Groove feed. You'll need to give it access to your Twitter user/pass info, then just enter your Green Groove public feed, set your 'update frequency' to once per day, include description only, post items based on 'pubDate', and then prefix each tweet with 'Latest Green Groove Goal -' or something similar. Sometimes it takes a few to post your first goal, but you should be up and running in no time. Oh, and don't forget to follow the , and we'll hit you back.

  2. Widgets ->

    Use one of our goal tracking widgets (PC | Mac), which uses your public feed by default, to keep track of your plan via your PC or Mac desktop. All you need to do is run a Mac Dashboard or Yahoo! Widget application on your machine. Just download, installation should begin immediately, then all you need to do is enter your username to begin monitoring your latest goal.

  3. RSS Aggregators ->

    Most modern web browsers come with built in RSS Aggregators. Typically, all you need to do in order to subscribe to a particular feed is to enter the URL (the public feed URL for your active plan) in your browser's address bar, pull up the feed, and click a button to subscribe. See your browser's help menu for instructions if you're not familar with the process.

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#1 Luba Iddings (Homepage) on 2010-08-29 02:51 (Reply)
Hi there, just recently discovered your website through GoogleNews, and been coming back regularly. You have a cool site! Would you mind if I link to it from my Website here?
#1.1 Green Groove (Homepage) on 2010-09-01 18:41 (Reply)
Yes, please do link over to our site. That'd be great!

I jumped the gun and added your link to our "links" page (

Also, if you are up to it, feel free to send us a four or five paragraph write up on organic gardening, plugging your site, and we'll get it posted to our Unite section (

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